My Teaching and Learning Philosophy

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Teaching means learning. When we teach, we are questing for knowledge. Hence, learning. Thus, teaching is a manifestation of lifelong learning. Being a teacher, is a lifelong learner, a learning designer. All this is due to my philosophy of "Life is a redox"; when one gives, another has to take, otherwise, life won't exist. Teaching is a devotion, not just a profession.

Monday 20 August 2018

About writing

Write 50 words. That's a paragraph.

Write 400 words. That's a page.

Write 300 pages. That's a manuscript.

Write everyday. That's a habit.

Edit and rewrite. That's how you get better.

Spread your writing for people to comment. That's is called feedbacks.

Don't worry about rejection and publications. That's a writer.

When you are not writing. Read.

Read from the writers better than you. Read and perceive.

Author anonymous

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