My Teaching and Learning Philosophy

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Teaching means learning. When we teach, we are questing for knowledge. Hence, learning. Thus, teaching is a manifestation of lifelong learning. Being a teacher, is a lifelong learner, a learning designer. All this is due to my philosophy of "Life is a redox"; when one gives, another has to take, otherwise, life won't exist. Teaching is a devotion, not just a profession.

Friday 30 October 2015

2015 National Innovation and Creativity Competition, IPGM, MoE Malaysia 11-13 October 2015, IPG Penang

Event: 2015 National Innovation and Creativity Competition, IPGM, MoE Malaysia
Date: 11-13 October 2015
Venue: IPG Penang.

Our first trial to join innovation competition. It's not so much on trying to win, but it's more about obligation to respond to the call to become 21st century competent educators, to be part of the innovative educators circle, to become co-learners in manifesting lifelong learning in us.
Where and when we began the initiative is not the issue, the real issue is: do we want to change, and be part of the change agents?

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