My Teaching and Learning Philosophy

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Teaching means learning. When we teach, we are questing for knowledge. Hence, learning. Thus, teaching is a manifestation of lifelong learning. Being a teacher, is a lifelong learner, a learning designer. All this is due to my philosophy of "Life is a redox"; when one gives, another has to take, otherwise, life won't exist. Teaching is a devotion, not just a profession.

Saturday 12 March 2016

'Smell the roses along the way'

'Smell the roses along the way'

Kebanyakan dr pelajar PhD akan mengalami stress. Sesuatu yang menghairankan jika kita dengar pelajar berkata 'Aku tak pernah stress' atau 'Aku tak tahu camana nak rasa stress'.

Stress yg positif sangat elok untuk menggerakkan seseorang individu mencapai matlamatnya. Cuma, perlulah bijak menanganinya agar ia tidak menjadi stress yang negatif.

Andai berlaku juga stress yang negatif, perlulah tahu kaedah2 meredakannya. Aktiviti membaca alquran, beriadah, makan angin (ke pantai, tasik, air terjun bersama yg tersayang), berkebun, bersembang2 dengan ahli keluarga atau rakan2 berkisar ttg tajuk yg menggembirakan (elakkan bercakap psl mengaji anda di waktu stress sebegini)  boleh membantu menghilangkan stress negatif.

Pernah dengar pepatah Inggeris 'smell the roses along the way'? Ya. Begitulah. There's always beauty in ugliness. So take a deep breath, feel the roses in you, and enjoy the rosy scent of your life.


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