My Teaching and Learning Philosophy

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Teaching means learning. When we teach, we are questing for knowledge. Hence, learning. Thus, teaching is a manifestation of lifelong learning. Being a teacher, is a lifelong learner, a learning designer. All this is due to my philosophy of "Life is a redox"; when one gives, another has to take, otherwise, life won't exist. Teaching is a devotion, not just a profession.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Pt 5: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 5: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK
5. Tech director with an administrator access

Having one person responsible for the computer system, working from a windowless office in the school basement, surrounded by old computers, updates the programs and tells the staff what tech tools they can and cannot use… is obsolete.

Today we need technology co-ordinators that know what teachers and students need to be successful and solves problems instead of creating barriers. Someone who helps people to help themselves by giving them responsibility and finds better and cheaper ways to do things.
DrNK writes:

So, how is our school operating, nowadayss?

Pegawai TMk tunggu laporan kerosakan baru datang jenguk, atau secara proaktif datang buat maintenance?

Mungkin, untuk membolehkan langkah proaktif dilaksanakan, memerlukan penetapan KPI tertentu oleh pihak pengurusan. Banyak organisasi menggunakan kaedah ini.

Contohnya: Dalam sebulan mesti rangsang sekurang-kurangnya 10 (contoh, ini bergantung kepada saiz organsisasi) laporan pemantauan oleh pegawai penyelenggara atau 10 laporan kerosakan (contoh, ini bergantung kepada saiz organsisasi) dibuat oleh pelanggan yang sampai ke unit penyelenggaran, TMK. KPI seterusnya, dalam masa dua-tiga hari bekerja (contoh) aduan dilayani dan pelanggan maklumbalas status aduan.

Untuk pastikan berlaku pergerakan kerja, jika tiada laporan diterima, pihak penyelenggara yang akan buat road-show ke tempat pelanggan.

Dan pegawai penyelenggara kena rajin turun ke kelas/kelas, makmal-makmal semasa PdP berlangsung untuk lihat dan rasai sendiri bagaimana kecekepan infratruktur internet/wifi/peranti.

Pada hemat saya, dah banyak sekolah/organisasi yang tepakan SOP sebegini.

Namun, jika masih ada pegawai penyelenggara ICT yang hanya duduk dalam pejabatnya dan menunggu sahaja laporan dari pelanggan, dan beritahu ini boleh, itu tidak boleh, amat malanglah organisasi tersebut.

Humble lines: DrNK


Tuesday 27 November 2018

Pt 4: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 4: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK

4. Banning phones and tablets

(Ini kesinambungan dari perkara ke-3 sebelum ini iaitu mengharamkan Wifi di sekolah. Pengharaman Wifi dan telefon pintar di sekolah sangat berkait rapat)
Taking phones and tablets from students instead of using them to enhance learning is obsolete. We should celebrate the technology students bring and use them as learning tools.

Phones are no longer just devices to text and make phone calls… when they were, then banning them was OK. Today there is more processing power in the average cellular telephone than NASA had access to when they sent a man to the moon in 1969. Yet most students only know how to use these devices for social media and playing games.

Today you can edit a movie, make a radio show, take pictures, make posters, websites, blog, tweet as a character from a book, have class conversations over TodaysMeet and Google most answers on a test with the device in your pocket. We should show our students the learning possibilities & turn these distractions into learning opportunities that will reach far outside the


DrNK writes:

Benar sekali, kan.

Dengan munculnya telefon pintar (yang ada akses ke Internet) pembelajaran sepatutnya menjadi lebih menarik, engaging dan meaningful.

Ya betul,  ada kerisauan ttg penggunaan telefon pintar tanpa kawalan di sekolah. Kebimbangan munculnya gejala sosial, kes disiplin adalah agak berasas.

Namun, telah lebih 10 tahun kita di Malaysia haramkan telefon pintar ke sekolah, namun di manakah mekanisme pendidikan dalam masa 10 tahun pengharaman itu?

Sewajarnya, Isu penggunaan telefon pintar secara bermoral perlu ditangani dengan bijak dan berhemah, secara berasur-ansur sejak 10 tahun yang lalu. bukan sekarang.

Sekarang ialah masa menggunakannya dengan bertanggungjawab kerana 10 tahun lepas, pelajar-pelajar telah pun menjalani proses pendidikan yang berterusan.

In sum, it starts at home, I believe.
Supported by teachers, at schools.
It's called integrated curriculum; home-education and school-education. Teachers and parents work alongside hand in hand to assist their children.

Let's start by teacher portraying him/herself as a good model in using smartphoneone to engage students in their learning. How? A challenge to us all.

Humble lines: DrNK

Sunday 25 November 2018

Pt 3: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 3: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK

3. Schools that don’t have WiFi

Schools that don’t have a robust WiFi network for staff and students are not only missing a big change for teaching and learning but robbing the students of access to knowledge and also limiting their chances to learn about the internet and using technology in a safe way.

21st century schools make it possible for students and staff to learn anywhere, anytime and schools that don’t allow that are obsolete. (Ingvi)
DrNK writes:

So, is banning the phone in schools, right? The move to BYOD (Bring your own device) is allowed in many schools out there but not to all schools in Malaysia.

There are many opinions and perspectives on this issue.

For one, if you educate and train your students to use the device morally, in a safe way, you won’t have to be afraid of your own shadow. To do this—educating students to use the Internet morally—it takes all angle of considerations by all stakeholders. Let’s ask ourselves: Which place is more suitable to train students in this matter, other than school, other than by their teacher? You think parents are influential enough to educate their children about how to use the Internet morally? About not to use it while it’s their bedtime? I bet parents would surrender should they be given the responsibility.

Two, since the absence of Wi-Fi at school, is obsolete, take a look around you and see if there are happy faces in school when it comes to using Wi-Fi in the classroom, for teaching and learning processes? I heard laments all over the places from the teachers—in the canteen, at the conferences, at the workshops — grumbling about how slow the Wi-Fi was at their school when they needed to fill up online forms imposed by the Ministry and State Education Department.

Yes, we yearn so much to uphold ‘learning happens anywhere, anytime’. Only God knows. So, to whom should we lament? Barking at the tree without anybody hearing, is an endless agony. Only teachers can understand teachers.

Humble lines:DrNK

Pt 2: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 2: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK

2. Isolated classrooms

Classrooms can be isolated in two ways. One where parents, teachers or guests are not welcome because the door and drapes are always shut… which has the words “Don’t come in here” written all over it. The other way is being isolated to all the knowledge outside the 4 walls. For example from the internet, videos, blogs, websites and visits from authors or scientists through Skype, to name a few.

Tony Wagner, the author of the Global Achievement Gap says: “Isolation is the enemy of improvement”. The classroom should be open, teachers should be able to walk in and learn from each other, parents should visit often, f.x. with so called Extra Open Schooldays (where all parents are encouraged to visit classrooms anytime during the day). Isolated classrooms are therefore obsolete.


Sekarang ni sekolah di Malaysia dah banyak buat program seperti Hari Terbuka Sekolah, Hari Jaya Waris dan sebagainya yang bertujuan untuk libatkan ibubapa dalam perbincangan tentang prestasi anak-anak. Mesyuarat PIBG juga saban tahun diadakan. Amalan yang baik. Tradisi yang perlu diteruskan.

Namun berpegang kepada slogan, 'betulkan yang biasa, biasakan yang betul', kita juga perlu adakan sesi refleksi atau post-mortem iaitu dengan bertanya, sejauhmanakah objektif program-program ini berjaya dicapai? Semasa ibubapa dijemput ke hari jaya waris atau apa saja nama programnya, benarkah setiap keprihatinan ibubapa terhadap anak-anak dilayan oleh guru? Itu salah satu contoh.

Selain dari itu, adakah mesyuarat PIBG benar-benar menjadi platform mendengar idea daripada ibubapa dan sesi percambahan minda antara pihak sekolah dan ibubapa/waris? Atau ia hanya dipenuhi dengan ucapan-ucapan dari VVIP semata-mata kerana inginkan tujuan tertentu dan pihak sekolah hanya bercerita yang elok-elok sahaja dalam ucapan dan menutup mata tentang perkara-perkara yang betul-betul perlu di’mesyuaratkan’? Adakah ia merupakan platform satu hala? Jika adapun dialog dua hala, sejauh manakah idea-idea diambil tindakan dari mesyuarat/dialog tersebut setelah selesainya mesyuarat?

Quoting Tun M: Check and balance-periksa dan imbang.

Datang waris berjalan, berkereta,
Mesyuarat PIBG, hari terbuka
Duduk berbaris, berbincang semeja
Sudahkah warganya minda terbuka?

Humble lines: DrNK


Saturday 24 November 2018

Pt 1: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)-Pt 1

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)-Pt 1

Diolah semula: DrNK

1. Computer Rooms

The idea of taking a whole class to a computer room with outdated equipment, once a week to practice their typewriting skills and sending them back to the classroom 40 minutes later, is obsolete.

Computers or technology shouldn’t just be a specific subject, that’s not sufficient anymore but rather it should be an integral part of all the subjects and built into the curriculum.

Masih adakah lagi sekolah di Malaysia yang menggunakan kaedah ini?
Ingatkah apa yang berlaku semasa mula-mula komputer diperkenalkan di sekolah? Dan juga pernah sekitar awal lewat abad 20 iaitu dalam tahun 1997 hingga awal tahun 2000, konsep sekolah bestari diperkenalkan dan makmal-makmal komputer mula diwujudkan dengan pelaburan yang sangat tinggi?

Setujukah anda bahawa, setelah hampir dua dekad, kini makmal komputer dalam ruangan dinding 4-segi seolah-olah kurang relevan. Ini sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh kemunculan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi melalui peranti mudah-alih (mobile gadgets). Akses kepada maklumat melalui Internet telah merubah corak komunikasi manusia secara global. Maka, hakikatnya pendidikan, yang merupakan sistem jaringan keilmuan dalam ketamadunan manusia, juga turut berubah.

Namun perubahan inilah yang sering diperbahaskan. Kelajuan perubahan dan kemajuan pendidikan di setiap Negara sangat subjektif dan bercorak relatif. Frasa pendidikan abad ke-21 kedengaran di mana-mana.

Yang maju, yang ketinggalan, yang masih termangu-mangu, yang buat tak tahu, yang rasa macam tahu tapi tak buat apa satu, yang takut nak tahu, yang tak tahu tapi malu nak mengaku, yang beri alasan selalu bila peluang menjengah untuk jadi tahu— macam-macam ragam manusia kelihatan.

Biarkan mereka. Cuma kita sebagai pendidik di abad ke-21, perlu tanya diri sendiri, relevankah lagi diri untuk mengajar anak-anak yang dikelilingi lambakan maklumat yang akses kendiri? Jika info sudah mampu diakses kendiri oleh anak-anak ini, maka aspek mana lagi yang kita masih boleh menjadi relevan?

Spiritualiti—yang mungkin makin tercicir dan dipencilkan—maka menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk memastikan spiritualiti subur seiring teknologi.

Quoting Dr Maszlee “Happiness, Love, and Mutual Respect – key to positive learning environment”, I would love to rephrase it this way: Happiness, Love, and Mutual Respect- key to positive LEARNING ECOSYSTEM. Ecosystem resembles loads of mutual relationships-symbiosis among the entities. If one goes wrong, the rest will fall down.

Humble lines: DrNK