My Teaching and Learning Philosophy

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Teaching means learning. When we teach, we are questing for knowledge. Hence, learning. Thus, teaching is a manifestation of lifelong learning. Being a teacher, is a lifelong learner, a learning designer. All this is due to my philosophy of "Life is a redox"; when one gives, another has to take, otherwise, life won't exist. Teaching is a devotion, not just a profession.

Monday 20 August 2018

English in social science versus...

Siri scholarly teacher

Bila baca pengalaman masing-masing, it reminisces mine.

With regards to English usage, i'm not a TESLian and being dumped in Bristol's post grad school of which surrounded by mostly TESLian colleagues really proved a challenge to me (despite my IELTS 7.0 😇). 

My SV once said, my English is too structured, which is not suitable for social science language. 

This led her to send me to english class (what??!!! wait, my ielts is 7 kot) hence made me feel so bad to have to learn English again!!!

And she continued saying that I love to write ' the data proves that' which for her in social science seems inappropriate. She said,  in social science, the language must be well guarded like, 'the data suggests that', 'it may well be obvious that...' NOT 'it is obvious....' bla bla bla. 

Saya termenung, rupanya ada style tertentu untuk English social science ni...macamana nak blajar lenggok English for social science? 

The grammar is one thing, article 'a' 'the' bila nak buh and x perlu buh... Fuhhhh. Baca mat salleh tulih sedap je.

Lama saya terperuk di library menatap thesis dan articles written for pure and social science discipline, comparing and contrasting and trying to rewrite. 

Gradually and finally saya dapat lah nmpak bezanya. Rupanya lenggok bahasa social science lebih mencabar especially if you're doing quali or mixed. It was truly a learning process for me. 

From the experience, I learnt how to write critically and analytically (still learning actually) and the process goes on till now.  

The more u think u know, the more u don't know how much more is unknown, and that keeps u motivated to go along.

The excitement of knowing what you don't know and about to discover, keeps yourself moving on... 


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