My Teaching and Learning Philosophy

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Teaching means learning. When we teach, we are questing for knowledge. Hence, learning. Thus, teaching is a manifestation of lifelong learning. Being a teacher, is a lifelong learner, a learning designer. All this is due to my philosophy of "Life is a redox"; when one gives, another has to take, otherwise, life won't exist. Teaching is a devotion, not just a profession.

Monday 17 December 2018

Pt 08: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson) Diolah semula: DrNK

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 08: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK


8. Unhealthy cafeteria food

School cafeterias that look and operate almost like fast food restaurants where staff and students get a cheap, fast and unhealthy meals are obsolete.

A few schools in Iceland and Sweden have turned almost completely to organic foods and given thought into the long term benefit of healthy food rather than the short term savings of the unhealthy.

For example at Stora Hammar school in Sweden 90% of the food served is organic.

Children should put the food on their own plate, clean up after themselves and even do the dishes.

Not because it saves the school money on workforce but because it is a part of growing up and learning about responsibility. What 21st century schools should be doing as well is growing their own fruits and vegetables where students water them and learn about nature.

Setting up a farm to feed students would be optimal, but if that is not an option (for example in big city schools) then they can at last set up a window-farm in some of the school windows.

The goal with providing students a healthy meal is not only to give them enough nutrition to last the school day but to make healthy food a normal part of their daily life and get them to think about nutrition which is something that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.


DrNK writes:

Ha! Camna pula kantin sekolah di Malaysia? Meriah dengan makanan yang berminyak, berlemak? Sumber bahan mentahnya pula? Jauh sekali dari organik, agaknya. Agak-agak berapa buah sekolah atau cafe di IPT yang mengamalkan makanan sihat dan bersih? Satu pemandangan atau suasana lazim atau terpencil, di Malaysia?

Saya teringat semasa di England, menghantar anak-anak ke sekolah di sana, kantin sediakan rancangan pemakanan, seperti di sini juga. Walaupun anak-anak saya bawa bekal ke sekolah, tapi kami ibubapa muslim ni sempat aje jengah ke kantin sambil duduk sembang-sembang dengan ibubapa lain.

Rancangan bantuan makanan mereka dipenuhi buah-buahan dan salad—karot, bayam, lettuce, tersusun atas kaunter kantin. Dan ada sandwich, telor rebus, sosej yang direbus (jarang-jarang).

Tiada nasi lemak bagai. Maksud saya, tidak kelihatan makanan yang berkanji tinggi, berkabohidrat tinggi dan ‘berat’ tersusun di kaunter. Sumber karbohidrat hanya dari buah-buahan dan sayur –sayuran sahaja.

Dan anak-anak makan makanan sebegini sebagai sarapan mereka setiap hari. Inilah rancangan bantuan makanan mereka. Benar-benar ‘membantu’ dalam erti kata sebenarnya; membantu pertumbuhan anak-anak yang sihat.

Tidak kurang juga anak-anak yang bawa bekal macam kami. Jelingan saya ke dalam ‘meal-box’ rakan anak-anak saya menampakkan buah-buahan-epal, oren, salad, karot yang dimakan mentah-mentah seperti buah-buahan lain.

Saya pula hanya bekalkan anak-anak saya dengan roti putih dan telur serta beberapa helai salad sebagai inti. Roti putih yang saya bekalkan tu pun bukannya elok sangat. Tapi masa tu, ‘agak jahil’ ilmu tentang keburukan ‘tepung putih’ ini. Mujur ada kesedaran tentang ‘bahaya makanan terlalu berkarbo tinggi’ waktu tu.

Saya rasa telah ada usaha untuk memberi pendidikan kepada pihak penyedia makanan di kantin sekolah. Makanan yang terlalu berkarbohidrat tinggi, sumber bahan mentah yang tinggi kandungan racunnya, adalah antara aspek yang perlu dikaji semula. Teringat saya kes keracunan di Baling akibat makan laksa di sebuah warung menyebabkan kematian dan beberapa orang sakit.

Saya juga yakin telah ada sistem pemantauan dalam hal ini. Jadi, jika sistem pemakanan yang tidak sihat masih berleluasa, mesti ada kesilapan di mana-mana.

Sudah sampai masanya pihak kantin sekolah diberi pendidikan yang benar-benar intensif tentang penyediaan makanan. Pemantauan juga perlu ditambahbaik atau diperkemaskan. Penggunaan polsiterin adalah sama sekali perlu dijauhkan kerana bahaya polisterin telah lama dibincangkan.

Buah-buahan, air buah-bahan segar tanpa gula, cereal/bijiran sarapan pagi yang tidak bergula tinggi dan seumpamanya, perlu ada di kantin atau kafe.

Lihat laporan berita ini. Obesiti yang makin merisaukan di Malaysia.

Tahukah anda bahawa 23.7 peratus daripada kanak-kanak Malaysia mengalami obesiti dan kegemukan?

Apa maknanya? Maknanya, dalam 100 orang kanak-kanak, hampir 28 orang daripadanya gemuk atau obes.

Satu rekod paling tinggi dalam kalangan kanak-kanak dan dewasa dalam rantau Asia. Kanak-kanak seawal umur 7 tahun pun dah ada kena diabetis.

Mana tidaknya, air coke tu macam air masak je mak bapak bagi kat anak-anak.

Dalam keadaan yang lain, statistik juga menunjukkan ramai kanak-kanak Malaysia yang terbantut tumbesarannya.

Ini baharu soal nutrisi pemakanan, bukan lagi soal kebersihan makanan yang dihidang.

Mungkin, implikasi mengabaikan soal nutrisi dan kebersihan ini dipandang remeh oleh sesetengah pihak, kerana soal mendapat A itu lebih mendominasi kerangka minda pihak yang bertanggungjawab. Walhal, bilangan A atau akademik dan sahsiah itu, tergantung kepada darah daging yang membentuk sel-sel tubuh termasuk otak.

Syukur aspek halalan toyyiban semakin dipandang namun ia berlaku di peringkat makro dan global. Agak ironi, di peringkat mikro seperti di sekolah, halalan toyyiban pada hemat saya belum dihayati sepenuhnya. Bagaimana pandangan anda?

Juga pernah saya terbaca tentang artikel penyelidikan bagaimana kesan gula ke atas kecacatan otak yang akhirnya membentuk tabiat dan kelakuan manusi—garang, beremosi, perengus, kasar, baran- ada kaitan dengan pemakanan bergula dan kecacatan sel-sel otak (rujuk Dr Rizal Abu Bakar – Pakar Otak, bangga saya ada anak Melayu pakar otak)

“Jika kita mahu lihat bagaimana nasib sesebuah Negara itu di masa akan datang, lihatlah generasi mudanya pada hari ini”.

Syekh Mustofa al-Ghalayaini seorang pujangga Mesir berkata :

أن فى يد الشبان أمر الأمة وفى أقدامها حيتها

“Sesungguhnya pada tangan-tangan pemudalah urusan umat dan pada kaki-kaki merekalah terdapat kehidupan umat”

Mengingat betapa pentingnya remaja dan pemuda sebagai generasi penerus bangsa, maka kanak-kanak di bangku sekolah perlulah diberi perhatian yang serius.

al-Qur’an surat an-Nisa ayat : 9

Artinya: “Dan hendaklah takut kepada Allah orang-orang yang seandainya meninggalkan di belakang mereka anak-anak yang lemah, yang mereka khawatir terhadap (kesejahteraan) mereka. Oleh sebab itu hendaklah mereka bertakwa kepada Allah dan hendaklah mereka mengucapkan perkataan yang benar”.

Andai mau otak sihat, hindari gizi yang merencat,

Andai mau ummah bijak, beri otak makanan tepat,

Bila ummah otaknya sihat, cantik sikap cantiklah tabiat.

Humble lines: DrNK
--> -->

Monday 10 December 2018

Pt 07: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson) Diolah semula: DrNK

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 06: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK

07.  Schools that don’t have Facebook or Twitter

Schools that think putting a news article on the school website every other week and publish a monthly newsletter is enough to keep parents informed are obsolete.
The school should have a Facebook page, share news and information with parents, have a Twitter account and their own hashtag, run their own online TV channel where students film, edit and publish things about school events.
If you don’t tell your story, someone else will.

DrNK writes:
How does it go here, in our country? Well, even though Malaysians are listed as among the top users of social media apps--publicising and promoting their activities here and there, on insta, on FB, on Twitter, with accelerating number of netizens every single day--schools still are left behind in using social media to publicise their activities.

Ironically, loads of Malaysian online sellers, drop-shippers (i believe all of them), use social media platforms to promote their products. but why isn't every school create an FB page to sell (promote, publicise) their activities and success stories)?

Do we think educational activities-performed by our kids, volunteers, so on and so forth, are not fit for promotion or publicity?

Seronok kan kalau setiap institusi pendidikan di Malaysia-tadika, sekolah, JPN, PKG, kolej, universiti- ada laman sosial masing-masing.

Imagine what would happen? Pasti ibubapa boleh buat survey dan analisis sekolah/uni mana yang bagus sebelum buat keputusan utnuk hantar anak ke sana.

Humble line: DrNK


Sunday 2 December 2018

Pt 06: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson, diolah semula: DrNK

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 06: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK
6. Teachers that don’t share what they do

Teachers who work silently, don’t tweet, blog and discuss ideas with people around the world are obsolete. Teachers are no longer working locally but globally and it’s our job to share what we do and see what others are doing. If a teacher is no longer learning then he shouldn’t be teaching other people.
We should all be tweeting, blogging and sharing what works and doesn’t work, get and give advice to and from co-workers around the world. We should constantly be improving our craft because professional development isn’t a 3 hour workshop once a month but a lifelong process.
“We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.” -John Dewey


DrNK writes:

 Cikgu tu kedekut Dia tu kemut ilmu sering kita dengar apabila menggambarkan orang yang tidak suka berkongsi ilmu.

Benar, berada di zaman yang penuh dengan tool/alatan bersosial ni menjadikan ilmu senang dipelajari, dikongsi dan disebarkan. Dalam istilah lebih  akademik, berkolaborasi dalam hal ehwal keilmuan.

Guru suka sebut 4C- komunikasi kolaborasi
Tapi tahukah makna kolaborasi tu?
Jika dalam satu panitia pun, masing-masing buat hal sendiri, ABM aku, aku punya, ABM hang, hang punyaAwat jadi lagu tu? Tak boleh share, takut nanti hilang ilmu?

Jika guru sendiri kedekut berkongsi ilmu dengan rakan-rakan sejawatan, apa makna kolaborasi pada dia agaknya? Sibuk minta murid kolaborasi bila buat aktiviti dalam kelas, tapi guru sendiri pun tidak amalkan kolaborasi dengan rakan-rakan satu sekolah, satu PPD, satu JPN, satu panitia, satu bidang. 

Apatah lagi nak berkolaborasi dengan rakan-rakan di luar negaratidaklah jawabnya.

Maksud hadis Sebarkanlah ilmu walau satu ayat…” mencerminkan betapa Islam terbina atas dasar nasihat menasihati, berkongsi ilmu dan seumpamanya.

Di sini saya nak sarankan, berkaitan dengan Flipped Learning Approach ni, untuk menjadi Flippers, kawan-kawan kena tau apa yang omputih dah buat dalam hal ini. Jadi kena banyak baca, join keahlian mereka, dan berkongsi pandangan dengan mereka.

Saya join bengkel Flipped Learning Global Initiative oleh Bergmann kerana saya nak tahu apa yang mereka dah buat, dah sampai mana FCr/FL, betulkan apa yang saya buat selama ini, atau dah ketinggalan?

Sudah tentu ini memerlukan pelaburan: wang ringgit, masa, tenaga, idea.
Yang palingpenting, pelaburan sikap: SIKAP mesti berubah kepada positif

Tak de masa, tak de kena mengena, tak sesuai, tak larat, dah nak pencen dan pelbagai lagi,alasan-alasan itu sudah obsolete-lapuk!!!.

Jika kita benar-benar faham apa fungsi menjadi umat islam, kita mesti mahu jadi orang pertama yang berkongsi ilmu yang benar dengan orang lain.

Dan satu lagi, penyampai ilmu itu terlebih dahulu akan disoal di akhirat, oleh itu, seiring dengan menyampai, amalkanlah.

"Orang mukmin yang memudahkan urusan mukmin yang lain, Allah akan mudahkan urusannya di akhirat."

Humble lines: DrNK

Thursday 29 November 2018

Pt 5: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 5: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK
5. Tech director with an administrator access

Having one person responsible for the computer system, working from a windowless office in the school basement, surrounded by old computers, updates the programs and tells the staff what tech tools they can and cannot use… is obsolete.

Today we need technology co-ordinators that know what teachers and students need to be successful and solves problems instead of creating barriers. Someone who helps people to help themselves by giving them responsibility and finds better and cheaper ways to do things.
DrNK writes:

So, how is our school operating, nowadayss?

Pegawai TMk tunggu laporan kerosakan baru datang jenguk, atau secara proaktif datang buat maintenance?

Mungkin, untuk membolehkan langkah proaktif dilaksanakan, memerlukan penetapan KPI tertentu oleh pihak pengurusan. Banyak organisasi menggunakan kaedah ini.

Contohnya: Dalam sebulan mesti rangsang sekurang-kurangnya 10 (contoh, ini bergantung kepada saiz organsisasi) laporan pemantauan oleh pegawai penyelenggara atau 10 laporan kerosakan (contoh, ini bergantung kepada saiz organsisasi) dibuat oleh pelanggan yang sampai ke unit penyelenggaran, TMK. KPI seterusnya, dalam masa dua-tiga hari bekerja (contoh) aduan dilayani dan pelanggan maklumbalas status aduan.

Untuk pastikan berlaku pergerakan kerja, jika tiada laporan diterima, pihak penyelenggara yang akan buat road-show ke tempat pelanggan.

Dan pegawai penyelenggara kena rajin turun ke kelas/kelas, makmal-makmal semasa PdP berlangsung untuk lihat dan rasai sendiri bagaimana kecekepan infratruktur internet/wifi/peranti.

Pada hemat saya, dah banyak sekolah/organisasi yang tepakan SOP sebegini.

Namun, jika masih ada pegawai penyelenggara ICT yang hanya duduk dalam pejabatnya dan menunggu sahaja laporan dari pelanggan, dan beritahu ini boleh, itu tidak boleh, amat malanglah organisasi tersebut.

Humble lines: DrNK


Tuesday 27 November 2018

Pt 4: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 4: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK

4. Banning phones and tablets

(Ini kesinambungan dari perkara ke-3 sebelum ini iaitu mengharamkan Wifi di sekolah. Pengharaman Wifi dan telefon pintar di sekolah sangat berkait rapat)
Taking phones and tablets from students instead of using them to enhance learning is obsolete. We should celebrate the technology students bring and use them as learning tools.

Phones are no longer just devices to text and make phone calls… when they were, then banning them was OK. Today there is more processing power in the average cellular telephone than NASA had access to when they sent a man to the moon in 1969. Yet most students only know how to use these devices for social media and playing games.

Today you can edit a movie, make a radio show, take pictures, make posters, websites, blog, tweet as a character from a book, have class conversations over TodaysMeet and Google most answers on a test with the device in your pocket. We should show our students the learning possibilities & turn these distractions into learning opportunities that will reach far outside the


DrNK writes:

Benar sekali, kan.

Dengan munculnya telefon pintar (yang ada akses ke Internet) pembelajaran sepatutnya menjadi lebih menarik, engaging dan meaningful.

Ya betul,  ada kerisauan ttg penggunaan telefon pintar tanpa kawalan di sekolah. Kebimbangan munculnya gejala sosial, kes disiplin adalah agak berasas.

Namun, telah lebih 10 tahun kita di Malaysia haramkan telefon pintar ke sekolah, namun di manakah mekanisme pendidikan dalam masa 10 tahun pengharaman itu?

Sewajarnya, Isu penggunaan telefon pintar secara bermoral perlu ditangani dengan bijak dan berhemah, secara berasur-ansur sejak 10 tahun yang lalu. bukan sekarang.

Sekarang ialah masa menggunakannya dengan bertanggungjawab kerana 10 tahun lepas, pelajar-pelajar telah pun menjalani proses pendidikan yang berterusan.

In sum, it starts at home, I believe.
Supported by teachers, at schools.
It's called integrated curriculum; home-education and school-education. Teachers and parents work alongside hand in hand to assist their children.

Let's start by teacher portraying him/herself as a good model in using smartphoneone to engage students in their learning. How? A challenge to us all.

Humble lines: DrNK

Sunday 25 November 2018

Pt 3: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 3: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK

3. Schools that don’t have WiFi

Schools that don’t have a robust WiFi network for staff and students are not only missing a big change for teaching and learning but robbing the students of access to knowledge and also limiting their chances to learn about the internet and using technology in a safe way.

21st century schools make it possible for students and staff to learn anywhere, anytime and schools that don’t allow that are obsolete. (Ingvi)
DrNK writes:

So, is banning the phone in schools, right? The move to BYOD (Bring your own device) is allowed in many schools out there but not to all schools in Malaysia.

There are many opinions and perspectives on this issue.

For one, if you educate and train your students to use the device morally, in a safe way, you won’t have to be afraid of your own shadow. To do this—educating students to use the Internet morally—it takes all angle of considerations by all stakeholders. Let’s ask ourselves: Which place is more suitable to train students in this matter, other than school, other than by their teacher? You think parents are influential enough to educate their children about how to use the Internet morally? About not to use it while it’s their bedtime? I bet parents would surrender should they be given the responsibility.

Two, since the absence of Wi-Fi at school, is obsolete, take a look around you and see if there are happy faces in school when it comes to using Wi-Fi in the classroom, for teaching and learning processes? I heard laments all over the places from the teachers—in the canteen, at the conferences, at the workshops — grumbling about how slow the Wi-Fi was at their school when they needed to fill up online forms imposed by the Ministry and State Education Department.

Yes, we yearn so much to uphold ‘learning happens anywhere, anytime’. Only God knows. So, to whom should we lament? Barking at the tree without anybody hearing, is an endless agony. Only teachers can understand teachers.

Humble lines:DrNK

Pt 2: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

Pt 2: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)

Diolah semula: DrNK

2. Isolated classrooms

Classrooms can be isolated in two ways. One where parents, teachers or guests are not welcome because the door and drapes are always shut… which has the words “Don’t come in here” written all over it. The other way is being isolated to all the knowledge outside the 4 walls. For example from the internet, videos, blogs, websites and visits from authors or scientists through Skype, to name a few.

Tony Wagner, the author of the Global Achievement Gap says: “Isolation is the enemy of improvement”. The classroom should be open, teachers should be able to walk in and learn from each other, parents should visit often, f.x. with so called Extra Open Schooldays (where all parents are encouraged to visit classrooms anytime during the day). Isolated classrooms are therefore obsolete.


Sekarang ni sekolah di Malaysia dah banyak buat program seperti Hari Terbuka Sekolah, Hari Jaya Waris dan sebagainya yang bertujuan untuk libatkan ibubapa dalam perbincangan tentang prestasi anak-anak. Mesyuarat PIBG juga saban tahun diadakan. Amalan yang baik. Tradisi yang perlu diteruskan.

Namun berpegang kepada slogan, 'betulkan yang biasa, biasakan yang betul', kita juga perlu adakan sesi refleksi atau post-mortem iaitu dengan bertanya, sejauhmanakah objektif program-program ini berjaya dicapai? Semasa ibubapa dijemput ke hari jaya waris atau apa saja nama programnya, benarkah setiap keprihatinan ibubapa terhadap anak-anak dilayan oleh guru? Itu salah satu contoh.

Selain dari itu, adakah mesyuarat PIBG benar-benar menjadi platform mendengar idea daripada ibubapa dan sesi percambahan minda antara pihak sekolah dan ibubapa/waris? Atau ia hanya dipenuhi dengan ucapan-ucapan dari VVIP semata-mata kerana inginkan tujuan tertentu dan pihak sekolah hanya bercerita yang elok-elok sahaja dalam ucapan dan menutup mata tentang perkara-perkara yang betul-betul perlu di’mesyuaratkan’? Adakah ia merupakan platform satu hala? Jika adapun dialog dua hala, sejauh manakah idea-idea diambil tindakan dari mesyuarat/dialog tersebut setelah selesainya mesyuarat?

Quoting Tun M: Check and balance-periksa dan imbang.

Datang waris berjalan, berkereta,
Mesyuarat PIBG, hari terbuka
Duduk berbaris, berbincang semeja
Sudahkah warganya minda terbuka?

Humble lines: DrNK


Saturday 24 November 2018

Pt 1: 14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)-Pt 1

Siri Guru Belajar bersama DrNK: Sehari selembar info

14 obsolete things in 21st century school (tulisan asal Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson)-Pt 1

Diolah semula: DrNK

1. Computer Rooms

The idea of taking a whole class to a computer room with outdated equipment, once a week to practice their typewriting skills and sending them back to the classroom 40 minutes later, is obsolete.

Computers or technology shouldn’t just be a specific subject, that’s not sufficient anymore but rather it should be an integral part of all the subjects and built into the curriculum.

Masih adakah lagi sekolah di Malaysia yang menggunakan kaedah ini?
Ingatkah apa yang berlaku semasa mula-mula komputer diperkenalkan di sekolah? Dan juga pernah sekitar awal lewat abad 20 iaitu dalam tahun 1997 hingga awal tahun 2000, konsep sekolah bestari diperkenalkan dan makmal-makmal komputer mula diwujudkan dengan pelaburan yang sangat tinggi?

Setujukah anda bahawa, setelah hampir dua dekad, kini makmal komputer dalam ruangan dinding 4-segi seolah-olah kurang relevan. Ini sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh kemunculan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi melalui peranti mudah-alih (mobile gadgets). Akses kepada maklumat melalui Internet telah merubah corak komunikasi manusia secara global. Maka, hakikatnya pendidikan, yang merupakan sistem jaringan keilmuan dalam ketamadunan manusia, juga turut berubah.

Namun perubahan inilah yang sering diperbahaskan. Kelajuan perubahan dan kemajuan pendidikan di setiap Negara sangat subjektif dan bercorak relatif. Frasa pendidikan abad ke-21 kedengaran di mana-mana.

Yang maju, yang ketinggalan, yang masih termangu-mangu, yang buat tak tahu, yang rasa macam tahu tapi tak buat apa satu, yang takut nak tahu, yang tak tahu tapi malu nak mengaku, yang beri alasan selalu bila peluang menjengah untuk jadi tahu— macam-macam ragam manusia kelihatan.

Biarkan mereka. Cuma kita sebagai pendidik di abad ke-21, perlu tanya diri sendiri, relevankah lagi diri untuk mengajar anak-anak yang dikelilingi lambakan maklumat yang akses kendiri? Jika info sudah mampu diakses kendiri oleh anak-anak ini, maka aspek mana lagi yang kita masih boleh menjadi relevan?

Spiritualiti—yang mungkin makin tercicir dan dipencilkan—maka menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk memastikan spiritualiti subur seiring teknologi.

Quoting Dr Maszlee “Happiness, Love, and Mutual Respect – key to positive learning environment”, I would love to rephrase it this way: Happiness, Love, and Mutual Respect- key to positive LEARNING ECOSYSTEM. Ecosystem resembles loads of mutual relationships-symbiosis among the entities. If one goes wrong, the rest will fall down.

Humble lines: DrNK

Thursday 23 August 2018

Literature review, should be earlier or later

Excerpt from a Fb Post (DG Support group):

I have a rather odd question with regards to lit reviews.

In my research, I have done 2 reviews, i.e.
1) the general lit review that covers all aspects of my research. For example, entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity
2) I also did a systematic lit review to specifically answer one part of a my research question. For example, what is entrepreneurship? This is due to the many perspective and definitions of entrepreneurship and has arguably given more confusion to this specific body of knowledge.

My question is, due to the nature of lit review and systematic lit review (for its purpose in relevance to answering research question(s):

1) can I have 2 reviews in on one thesis?

- If so, any recommendations on how to position the two reviews? Obviously, the normal lit review can be in Chap 2. BUT the systematic lit review is a method chosen to answer one of the RQ thus not making it part of Chapter 2?

- if I have no options and I need to have only 1 review, i.e. in Chap 2, how do I then differentiate the two reviews when the Systematic Lit Review is answering a specific question in the RQ?

Thoughts / advice on the matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

My response:

The problem with Malaysian theses is that they are to be looked and appeared structured or linear. But the fact is that, thesis writing and doing research are not linear processes. I faced the same problem too while I was doing my PhD- where to put the review that I recently found after my data collection? If I put it in the later chapter it may look awkward for I appeared to be doing an insufficient review before my data collection. On the other hand, if I put it earlier, then the suspense ends there since the answer is already known, why bother to do the research then? This chronical can just go on and on in order to fix and conform to the norm of a linear process.

Luckily, my supervisor's idea and mine are parallel-don't worry too much about where and when it should go into your thesis, the main thing is that you just know how to make your thesis/argument a case. Embed and intertwine the info from lit reviews as to support your case and argument. If you feel it should support your discussion then bring it in in your discussion chapter. If you feel like putting it earlier then give some hints (and only hints) earlier just to create some curiosity (and make a case that the issue should be researched on).

Well, i dunno whether I have made myself clear to you. But the gist is, only you know how to craft your own thesis to make it convincing. Writing a thesis is like playing with a magic spell, it's nothing, believe me, it's nothing at all, it's just so small, to others.  But since you are the one who feels that it's a big issue and that you feel you are the magician, the magic wand is all yours and with that, you "make things happen"!

Just my 2 cents. All the best.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Do we need to use sophisticated gadget during lesson starter (induction set)

Watch this video: A simple yet effective lesson starter

Do we need to use sophisticated gadget during lesson starter (induction set)?

The answer is Yes and No


Well, if you have access to a sophisticated gadget that will make your students wide-mouthed watching you and your gadget, then, YES!!!! on your mark!!!!! Get set Go!!!!

But, unfortunately, you're 'dumped' at a rural school, a mediocre school, with no access to internet , or no electricity to plug in your gadget, or no projector to flare your beautiful powerpoint, then what choice do you have as a lesson starter?

Now, look around you.

What do you have? what the environment can offer you?

Oh! My pupils always mess their places. Really? Then, use that as your 'weapon'.

"C'mon boys and girls, do you want some treat? Those who have the cleanest table will get a treat from me during recess tomorrow "

Your voice!!!! Make it sound fun. Of course, use your sense of humor.

You know your students better than me. Do homework on your students' background- part of a teacher's job -  and a  compulsory trait for effective teachers.

well, to get some idea, you may watch this video.

This teacher wants to teach 'Verb: jump, run, stomp, etc" but she needs to get her students to listen attentively to her prior to the lesson.

This video shows how she deliver her induction set.

Follow my channel if you like: N Kushairi

Thank you very much.

Set induksi: mengapa perlu fikir terlalu kompleks?

'teacherlearn Series' -DrNK
Siri 'gurubelajar'- DrNK

Saya nak minta semua pelajar seliaan saya perhatikan perkara berikut:

1. Set induksi gunakan kaedah atau bahan bantu mengajar yg hampir dgn kehidupan murid.

Tujuannya: galakkan murid respon dengan aktif apabila mereka sendiri pernah alami peristiwa atau kejadian yg guru sedang ceritakan.

Guru nak ajar pasal jenis tanah.

Guru nak tarik minat murid pd pelajaran dan juga nak korek pengetahuan sedia ada murid.

Guru mulakan dengan soalan:
Siapa pernah pergi pantai?( ini soalan ringkas, tahap rendah, tapi cukup utk cetuskan respon murid dan hikangkan rasa takut murid)

Murid respon. Soaljawab berlaku:
Pantai mana?
Dgn siapa?

Baik tutup mata kamu. Bayangkan sebuah pantai yg kamu pernah pergi. (Guru guna nada yg sesuai, bercerita)

Kamu nampak awan...
kamu nampak langit...
Pohon nyior...
Pasir... kamu pijak dgn tapak kami... apa kamu rasa?....dapat rasa tak?
Mcmn rasanya?
Best tak?

Baik buka mata.
(Waktu ini guru nk tnjk gambr pantai pn boleh)

Mula Soaljawab ttg rasa tanah, sentuh ttg teksturnya dll.

Baik. Apa lagi jenis tanah yg kamu tahu??

Cungkil idea murid
Jana idea murid

Baiklah agak2 kita nak belajar apa hari ini?

Lalu... cikgu masuk ke dalam aktiviti utama.

Set induksi ini berlaku dlm 5 -7 minit sahaja.
Harus smooth flow ke dlm topik hari itu.

Tujuan aktviti permulaan:
-Tarik minat murid
-Sediakan minda murid
-Korek pengetahuan sedia ada murid.

Ingat! Aktiviti permulaan yang relate dgn kehidupan murid lebih berkesan.

Think aloud!
Share your deas.


Monday 20 August 2018

Hands-on but minds-off? Where does the constructivism go?

'Ohh! That dreadful practicum' series-DrNK

Today I observed a trainee-teacher  teaching Science to Year 3 students.

The teacher told me that he had prepared a constructivist-approach lesson.

A very well-planned lesson, I would say, which I would like to share it with you.

Topic: Tanah (Soil)- types and properties
Objectives: Pupils will be able to differentiate the types of soil in terms of their texture.

While watching the video, please help yourself with these questions:

1. What do you understand from a constructivist approach?
2. Do you think the approach the teacher used is a constructivist one (video 1)?
3. Compare the first video with the second video.
Are there any differences that you see?

have your say.

Video 1: students line up

Then, read this:
In the first video, teacher called upon a group to line up and touch and feel the soil. then they went back to their table.

While other students were forced to wait at their table and did nothing.

-Were the students remember 'the soil' once they got back to their table? Why didnt the teacher gave a set of soils for each group and let them explore on their own?
-Why made the other pupils waited without doing anything?

video 2: students 'do' the soil thing

In the second video, pupils are given the chance to 'feel' the soil. What do you think the pupils feel about this learning experience? Compare with the first video, were they happy?

apart from the above matters, it's not only about hands-on that we should focus on. The more crucial part is how we foster the 'minds-on', in other words, the HOTS in students while they carry out such activities?

Well, it's your turn to think!
